Time Management Strategies

You're the best! (1).png

I want to give you some strategies for managing your time by doing less crap you would rather not do.<3 Which ones below are you going to try?

1. Time Blocking - put your to do's into chunks of time and give yourself scheduled breaks. Don't forget to set timers. 

2. Have a sustainable routine. Every morning and evening should have a sustainable routine so you rarely forget anything from the breastmilk in the freezer (guilty!) to your much needed caffeine as you're walking out the door. 

3. Reminders - Use the power of your smartphone, apps, and other technology to make sure you're staying on track so you don't have a million things to remember when you have a severe case of #mombrain 

4. Use technology- find project managing and to do list apps and programs to keep everything you need to get done organized. 

5. Say this with me: IT WILL GET DONE. - This is my mantra when I feel overwhelmed. When too many things are happening or due within a few days of each other, I revisit my time management strategies, utilize some stress management coping skills, and repeat to myself, "It will get done."

Time management was crucial for me to manage working full time, writing my dissertation while still attending classes, running an online coaching business, and still feeling like I had quality time to spend with my daughter. 

Outsource tasks that don’t bring you joy:

  • Outsource tasks like laundry, cleaning, meal service, groceries

  • I use Instacart for my grocery delivery and never have to step into a grocery store. (Get $10 with this link: https://inst.cr/t/usJ25yXYr)

  • I use a meal service when we are just TOO busy. They actually send you prepared meals rather than meal kits. Just heat and eat!! It is SUPER helpful when you are trying to eat healthy too.

  • I meal prep all of our meals on Sundays for the week. It usually takes me 1-2 hours max.

  • I think it's worth having our home cleaned every 2-4 weeks. Spending my free time cleaning is not something I want to HAVE to do.

  • We personally do our own laundry since we only have 1-2 loads per week. If we're going on vacation, I have our sheets and towels sent out and delivered on the day we arrive back home. It's magical.

What are some of your favorite time management strategies?

Get Calm the Chaos - lifetime access to a wellness toolkit  for busy women looking to melt the stress of their life away. Get access right meow - www.ashleyburciaga.com/calm-the-chaos