It's Okay to Pivot

After finishing my dissertation, I've been compelled to expand my coaching life. I wasn't quite sure what it would look like or how I would do it. I do know that I love helping others feel their best and educating people with all the tools and resources they need to live a happy and fulfilling life. I mean that's why I became a school psychologist in the first place. .
In schools, I often see clients who don't actually want counseling or help. That's when I started falling in love with fitness coaching. Women were seeking out my support and providing them the resources and space they needed to feel their best was a huge breath of fresh air for me. .
But I want more. .
I want to help women feel great overall. Although I'll continue fitness coaching forever because the tools I use and provide others has been life altering to my own health and wellness, I feel like I need to integrate more of my experiences, education, and expertise into my coaching practice. .
Between my clients at work suffering from a lack of coping strategies, my own personal experiences with anxiety and overwhelm, and some of my fitness clients' struggles beyond health and fitness, anxiety and stress are the #1 factors screwing with everyone's happiness. .
I havent finalized anything yet, but I'll be integrating my own personal success with overcoming stress, anxiety and feelings of overwhelm with the tools I teach with my counseling clients to create an online program for women to go from exhausted and overwhelmed to relaxed and happy. .
Better yet, that as a public educator I'm all about accessibility, so the price will be affordable af with lifetime access so you'll always have everything you need to get aligned when life throws you curve balls.
Now I just need to come up with a name for the online program. Any suggestions?🤔 Stress Less & Feel Your Best?!?