Trust me, I know what it feels like…

  • You’re tired

  • You’re exhausted

  • You wish there was more time in the day

  • You wish you had time to yourself

  • You wish you had more money

  • You wish you could balance your life better

  • You wish you had someone to cook and clean for you

  • Your Mom Guilt is real y’all. So real.

  • Maybe you just wish you had more time for wine

I created a new program:

Mastering Motherhood!

The goal of the program:
Walk away capable of implementing the FIVE MAJOR STRATEGIES to master that life as a mom forever, and ever, and ever. Seriously get ready to take control of your life, and finally take action. Take strategy and mindset and feel the transformation you’ve needed to get back your time, your energy, and your sanity. You’ll be balancing life and spending more quality time with your kids. Better yet, you’ll be showing your kids how to live a balanced life for themselves too.

Here's how the Mastering Motherhood breaks down:

Week 1: Motherhood Mindset

Strategies to become open minded to mindset, energy, and meditation work & how to teach your children to use these strategies too.

Week 2: Take Control of Your Time

Everything you need to have more time to yourself and quality time with your kids.

Week 3: Lessen Stress & Overwhelm

Strategies to lessen your stress and anxiety and the tools to teach your children how to work through their emotions.

Week 4: Sustainable Rituals & Routines

The importance and the how-to of setting intentional rituals to get you through your day with ease, more energy, and more sanity.

Week 5: Declutter Your Life

Learn how to minimize your stuff and your life to have a stress free environment.

Week 6: Analyze Your Experience

Here's what you get:

3-5 Weekly Trainings (WHOA)

Q+A Session (on Fridays)

Bonus trainings & Meditations

Other surprise goodies

You also get LIFETIME access

We start August 19th


SAVE $697 by enrolling before July 28th!!

Sign up by July 28th Bonuses:

  • My exact blueprint of how I lost 40+ lbs postpartum (valued at $47)

  • Exclusive access to a Meal Prepping and Planning Workshop (valued at $197)

  • Busy Mom’s Guide to Food Prep PDF + 50 Kid Friendly Meals (valued at $97)


You’ll have access to be via Voxer (a walkie talkie app) to ask questions and get support, funny GIFs, and motivational texts from yours truly for the duration of the 6 week course. With over 15 years of experience in child development, education, psychology, and counseling, you’ll have the opportunity to ask me everything and anything to help you get through the struggles of balancing it all. (valued at $997)

Have questions? GET ALL THE INFO EMAILED HERE:  + learn more about scholarship opportunities.

Need something more intense? See Ashley’s 1:1 coaching services
