
As I was going through customs this week, I felt that the whole point of customs gives you the idea that they’re keeping our country safe. But, as I watch the employees deciding on who goes into what line based on looking at you, it seems like it’s more about racially profiling those coming through the kiosks. The fact that I got through security TWICE with liquids far beyond 3.4 ounces, not taking my laptop out, and bringing a gel freezer pack that was unfrozen - all part of the security line rules. I 100% knew it was a risk that I would take and what I would throw away if I needed to, but mostly I have NEVER had anyone make me throw anything away. Part of that is a whole lot of privilege, but the other part is the TSA employees letting me do this. What if I wasn’t a citizen, or if I was or looked a certain way - would they let me slide? Most certainly not. Would they care I didn’t take my laptop out of my bag even though everywhere it clearly states that I need to? Most likely. How many other people get through security with things they know they shouldn’t bring but risk it anyway because they have a certain privilege to be able to “play dumb” without any real consequences. I am white passing. I am middle class. I am small in stature. And to TSA and our country...I am non-threatening. I really just can't imagine what going through customs is like when you are not a citizen of the United States or when you don't pass as a white, middle-class, heteronormative person. What does that even feel like? I myself get stressed going through customs and I don't have anything to worry about. I don't have anything I'm not supposed to bring in. I have all my paperwork. I am a citizen. I speak and read and write in English. I have my passport up-to-date. There is no reason to be caught up. But I still feel a level of stress and anxiety because they appear to have so much power about who gets through and who does not. So what could it even feel like for someone of color or who doesn't speak English? I cannot imagine visiting America not speaking English. I feel such a privilege that I can get through because of the English language. The forms, the paperwork, the people you have to talk to...if you don't speak English it makes it so much harder and people judge you so much more and think of you as less than. So what is our customs really securing? 

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